Matthews Ernest Romney

Ernest Romney Matthews

Произведения автора3

Studies in the Construction of Dams: Earthen and Masonry


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Studies in the...

Ernest Romney Matthews

Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской орфографии издания 1919 года (издательство "Griffin").

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Studies in the construction of dams: earthen and masonry. Arranged on the principle of question and answer for engineering students and others


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Studies in the...

Ernest Romney Matthews

Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской орфографии.

0 отзывов

Studies in the construction of dams: earthen and masonry. Arr. on the principle of question and answer for engineering students and others


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бумажная книга

Studies in the...

Ernest Romney Matthews

Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской орфографии.

0 отзывов