Pope-Hennessy Sir John

Sir John Pope-Hennessy

Sir John Pope-Hennessy (1913–94) was one of this century’s most distinguished art historians and museum directors. He was Director of the Victoria & Albert Museum (1967–73), Director of the British Museum (1974–6), and Consultative Chairman of the Department of European Paintings, Metropolitan Museum, New York (1977–86). He was an authority on Renaissance art, and his publications included Paolo Uccello (1950), Fra Angelico (1952), The Portrait in the Renaissance (1967), Raphael (1970), Luca della Robbia (1980), Cellini (1985) and Donatello Sculptor (1993).

Произведения автора2

Introduction to Italian Sculpture. Italian Renaissance Sculpture


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Introduction to...

Sir John Pope-Hennessy

First published in 1955–63, Sir John Pope-Hennessy’s classic Introduction to Italian Sculpture...

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Introduction to Italian Sculpture. Italian Gothic Sculpture


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Introduction to...

Sir John Pope-Hennessy

First published in 1955–63, Sir John Pope-Hennessy’s classic Introduction to Italian Sculpture...

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