Tikhomirov Andrey

Andrey Tikhomirov

Произведения автора25

Finno-Ugric peoples. Languages, Migration, Customs


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Finno-Ugric peoples....

Andrey Tikhomirov

The book tells about languages, peoples, migratory movements of Finno-Ugric peoples, about how...

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Ethnogenesis of the Turkic peoples. Languages, peoples, migrations, customs


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Ethnogenesis of the...

Andrey Tikhomirov

The Turkic peoples are formed on a vast space in the Altai Mountains. In the process of...

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The Slavdom. Indo-European Migrations


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The Slavdom....

Andrey Tikhomirov

Slavic peoples are based on Slavic languages that belong to the Indo-European language family....

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The Celts. Indo-European Migrations


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The Celts....

Andrey Tikhomirov

The Celts, a vast group of Indo-European tribes, whose settlement territory in the second half of...

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The Semites. Languages, peoples, migrations, customs


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The Semites....

Andrey Tikhomirov

The book tells about languages, peoples, migration movements of Semitic peoples. About how a...

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The Romanic peoples. Indo-European migrations


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The Romanic peoples....

Andrey Tikhomirov

The book talks about the ancient migratory movements of the Romanic peoples after they left their...

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Soome-ugri rahvad. Keeled, rnne, toll


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Soome-ugri rahvad....

Andrey Tikhomirov

Raamat rgib keeltest, rahvastest, soome-ugri rahvaste rndeliikumistest, soome-ugri kogukonna...

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Suomalais-ugrilaiset kansat. Kielet, muuttoliike, tulli


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Andrey Tikhomirov

Kirja kertoo kielist, kansoista, suomalais-ugrilaisten kansojen muuttoliikkeist, miten...

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Finnugor npek. Nyelvek, migrci, vmhatsg


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Finnugor npek....

Andrey Tikhomirov

A knyv a nyelvekrl, npekrl, a finnugor npek vndorlsi mozgsairl, a finnugor kzssg kialakulsnak...

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Cc dn tc Nam . Ngn ng, Di c, Hi quan


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Cc dn tc Nam . Ngn ng,...

Andrey Tikhomirov

Cun sch k v ngn ng, dn tc, cc phong tro di c ca cc dn tc Nam , v cch cng ng Nam pht sinh, v s hnh...

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Orang indonesia. Bahasa, Migrasi, Bea Cukai


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Orang indonesia....

Andrey Tikhomirov

Buku ini menceritakan tentang bahasa, orang, pergerakan migrasi orang Indonesia, tentang...

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Popoare romanice. Migraia indo-european


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Popoare romanice....

Andrey Tikhomirov

Cartea vorbete despre vechile micri migratorii ale popoarelor romanice dup ce au prsit casa lor...

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Popoli romanici. Migrazioni indoeuropee


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Popoli romanici....

Andrey Tikhomirov

Il libro parla degli antichi movimenti migratori dei popoli romanici dopo che hanno lasciato la...

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Povos romnicas. Migraes indo-europias


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Povos romnicas....

Andrey Tikhomirov

O livro fala sobre os antigos movimentos migratrios dos povos romnicos depois que eles deixaram...

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Pueblos romnicos. Migraciones indoeuropeas


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Pueblos romnicos....

Andrey Tikhomirov

El libro habla sobre los antiguos movimientos migratorios de los pueblos romnicos despus de que...

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Les peuples romans. Migrations indo-europennes


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Les peuples romans....

Andrey Tikhomirov

Le livre raconte les anciens mouvements migratoires des peuples romans aprs avoir quitt leur...

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Na pobail Cheilteach. Imirce Ind-Eorpacha


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Na pobail Cheilteach....

Andrey Tikhomirov

Insonn an leabhar seo faoi ghluaiseachta imirce rsa na ndaoine Ceilteacha tar is dibh a dteach...

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Fiset shqiptare. Migrimet Indo-Evropiane


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Fiset shqiptare....

Andrey Tikhomirov

Libri tregon pr lvizjet e lashta t migracionit t fiseve t lashta shqiptare pasi ata lan shtpin e...

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Germnsku jarinnar Germanske folk. Inn-evrpsk fli Indoeuropeisk migrasjon


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Germnsku jarinnar...

Andrey Tikhomirov

Bkin segir fr gmlum bferlaflutningum germnsku jarinnar eftir a eir yfirgfu indevrpska...

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Germanske folk. Germanska folk. Indoeuropisk migration. Indo-europeisk migration


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Germanske folk....

Andrey Tikhomirov

Bogen fortller om de gamle migrationsbevgelser fra de germanske folk, efter at de forlod deres...

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Germaanse volkeren. Indo-Europese migratie


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Germaanse volkeren....

Andrey Tikhomirov

Het boek vertelt over de oude migratiebewegingen van de Germaanse volkeren nadat ze hun...

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Slaveni Slovani. Indoeuropske migracije


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Slaveni Slovani....

Andrey Tikhomirov

Knjiga govori o drevnim migracijskim pokretima slavenskih naroda nakon to su napustili svoju...

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Slovan. Slovania. Indoevropsk migrace. Indoeurpske migrcie


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Slovan. Slovania....

Andrey Tikhomirov

Kniha vyprv o starovkch migranch pohybech slovanskch nrod pot, co opustili svj indoevropsk rodov...

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The Koran research. Исследование Корана. Prerequisites for creation of the Koran. Предпосылки создания Корана


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The Koran research....

Abubakar Damilare Sergey Smetanin Andrey Tikhomirov

Only scientific research! The study of the Koran is to find scientific explanations of the...

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Early Indo-Europeans. The formation of a linguistic community


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Early Indo-Europeans....

Andrey Tikhomirov Galina Tikhomirova

Archaeological studies show that the native land of Indo-Europeans is the South Ural region,...

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