Todino Grace

Grace Todino

Grace Todino (Gonguet) is now a "professional expatriate," having lived in Oman, Gabon, and Holland for the last 10 years. She currently resides in Sarawak (Malaysia) with her geophysicist husband, Christophe, and their children, Gabriel, Raphael, and Lucie. Grace was one of the original authors of the Nutshell Handbooks, Managing UUCP and Usenet, and Using UUCP and Usenet. She now writes/edits travel articles for local publications.

Произведения автора1

Learning the UNIX Operating System. 5-th edition


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бумажная книга

Learning the UNIX...

Jerry Peek Grace Todino John Strang

If you are new to Unix, this concise book will tell you just what you need to get started and no...

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