A Little Leg Work

A Little Leg Work

Royce Leville


бумажная книга

Дата выхода: январь 2011
ISBN: 9783981458510
Объём: 270 страниц

When you order a meal in a restaurant, how can you be sure you get what you asked for? Isn`t that meat a little pale to be beef? And what tastes like chicken doesn`t mean it`s actually chicken. The thing is, most diners are completely oblivious as to what goes on in a restaurant`s kitchen. They order, eat and pay, with no clue as to where the food has come from. Take the Alfresco Paradiso in A Little Leg Work. When this renowned Italian restaurant turns to a new food source, with surprising and sickening results, it means a plate of meatballs will never be the same again. And while no one knows what the Alfresco`s chefs are up to, the public loves it and gobbles it up. A local detective (and weekend gourmet chef) tries to find out just what it is that makes the meatballs so good, while his brother-in-law, a journalist, smells a page one story. Meanwhile, the Alfresco owner becomes a celebrity and all those involved in the restaurant start rolling in the cash, including a butcher, an adventurer and a morgue manager. They all get to tell their own story and have their say because the book is told from numerous points of view. Royce Leville`s debut novel pushes the boundaries of taste and the limits of traditional narrative style. Replete with footnotes, multiple narrators, gristly scenes and thousands of satisfied eaters, A Little Leg Work will disgust, intrigue, amuse and offend, and leave you salivating for more. `A Little Leg Work` won the fiction category and finished runner-up in the grand prize at the 2012 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.
