Aiming at Amazon. The New Business of Self Publishing, or How to Publish Your Books with Print on Demand and Online Book Marketing

Aiming at Amazon. The New Business of Self Publishing, or How to Publish Your Books with Print on Demand and Online Book Marketing

Aaron Shepard


бумажная книга

ISBN: 9780938497431


There has never been a self publishing manual like this.

"Aiming at Amazon" is NOT about getting your book into bookstores. Instead, it lays out an innovative approach that targets sales on It reveals how to make a book sell well online, with tips never before offered. And it doesn`t stop there -- it gives you a way to publish your book with print on demand that can double your profit per copy.

Avoid publishing plans that handicap you almost before you begin. Let "Aiming at Amazon" introduce you to the NEW business of self publishing.


Aaron Shepard is a foremost proponent of the new business of profitable self publishing through print on demand, which he has practiced and helped develop since 1998. Unlike most authorities on self publishing, he makes the bulk of his living from his self-published books -- not from consulting, speaking, freelance writing, or selling publishing services. In a parallel life, Aaron is an award-winning children`s author with numerous books from publishers large and small.


"Aaron Shepard has been more successful selling through Amazon than any other self publisher I know. If you want to self publish and get the most from it, this book is for you." -- Morris Rosenthal, author, "Print-on-Demand Book Publishing"

"Solid gold advice. . . . Aiming At Amazon will dramatically increase your odds of success. A few hours with this book will give you the benefit of years worth of hard-earned experience." -- Steve Weber, author, "The Home-Based Bookstore"

"If you want to learn how to sell more books on Amazon, this is the best book I`ve read on the subject. . . . Thanks to books like this, self-published authors have a chance to succeed against traditionally-published competitors." -- Stacie Vander Pol, author, "Top Self Publishing Firms"

"Shepard is considered one of the pioneers of marketing print-on-demand (POD) books through Amazon. . . . I highly recommend Aiming At Amazon to self-publishers and authors who want to publish a book at little cost. The model pioneered by Shepard, Rosenthal, and others is probably the best way for a newcomer to enter the world of self-publishing." -- Peter Hupalo, Midwest Book Review

"An essential read for anyone having to market a self-published or POD-published book -- and has a wealth of information for small press publishers, novice freelance book publicists, and mid-list authors of the larger publishing houses." -- Jim Cox, Jim Cox Reports, March 2007

"I`ve published ten other books through regular publishers, and this route is much more fun and rewarding!" -- Ellen Hodgson Brown, Third Millenium Press

"Buy it! Study it! Learn from it! Apply its lessons! It will be the least expensive yet most valuable book marketing training you will ever get." -- Walt Shiel, Slipdown Mountain Publications

"Shepard boils it down to the essentials so you can get done what you need to get done and get out." -- Zoe Winter, Indie Books Journal (blog of, Apr. 12, 2010

"Shepard comes across as honest, likeable and brimming with common sense. . . . Would be helpful to all writers with books on Amazon, not just those who self-published." -- Catherine Ryan Howard, Catherine, Caffeinated, July 21, 2010

