And the Baby Cried

And the Baby Cried

Bea Fehrenbach Mansfield


бумажная книга

Дата выхода: ноябрь 2013
ISBN: 9781621373742
Объём: 172 страниц

Have you ever wondered why and how your ancestors came to this country? Or where they lived, and what they did when they got here? What hardships did they suffer? What part did they play in the history of our country? My Brinkleys came from England, landing first in the colony of Maryland, then moving on to Pennsylvania. Western Pennsylvania`s county of Westmoreland was the frontier and plagued by frequent and brutal attacks by Indians and white renegades. Why would anyone cross the Allegheny Mountains and go there to live before the Revolutionary War was over and most of the Indians driven from the state? Many families were wiped out completely. This is the story of how my Brinkleys came to America, and how they managed to survive near extinction on the frontier. It took a miracle to save this family.