ATUA Voices From La Societe Voudon Gnostique

ATUA Voices From La Societe Voudon Gnostique

David Beth


бумажная книга

1330 USD


Внимание! Книгу продает:
Андрей Владимирович

Весь мир: самовывоз, почта

Условия продажи: оплата и доставка по договоренности

Андрей Владимирович

Дата выхода: июнь 2011
ISBN: 978-5-321-45658-0
Тираж: 808 экземпляров
Объём: 200 страниц
Масса: 1200 г
Обложка: твёрдая
Дополнительное оформление: Суперобложка
Бумага: мелованная
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This stunning collection of writings, rituals and artwork from a genuine magical working group was originally published by Fulgur Ltd. in 2011. Edited by David Beth, ATUA is the public vehicle through which the members of the S. V. G. make selected manifestations of their magico-gnostic research and experience available to an informed audience. This first volume of the anthology features essays, artwork, and prose and aims to provide insight and inspiration to practitioners on a similar spiritual path. ATUA is a direct result of an intense symbiotic exchange of shamanic sorcerers with the powerful Gods of Esoteric Voudon. Unique in its content and composition, it may serve as a direct link to the inner worlds of Les Mystères.