Bite to Remember (Argeneau Vampires)

Bite to Remember (Argeneau Vampires)

Sands, Lynsay


бумажная книга

Издательство: HarperCollins
Дата выхода: июль 2011
ISBN: 978-0-06-077407-3
Объём: 384 страниц

Rule #1: Never get involved with someone who won`t be there for you when the sun comes up. Once bitten, twice shy, and sexy PI Jackie Morrisey wasn`t going there again. Vincent Argeneau may be the hottest guy she`s ever met, living or dead, but she`s here to stop a killer from turning this vampire into dust, not to jump into bed with him. Rule #2: Never kiss a it can be a pain in the neck. Okay, so Vincent`s had four hundred years to perfect his kissing skills, and he does look rather tempting when he runs around the house shirtless. He`s also charming, did we mention he can kiss? Jackie needs to be on her guard, or else she`ll have to come up with a new rule: If you`re going to fall in love with a vampire, make sure it`s a bite to remember.
