Brown Truss

Brown Truss

Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John McBrewster


бумажная книга

Издательство: Книга по требованию
Дата выхода: июль 2011
ISBN: 978-6-1341-9079-4
Объём: 96 страниц
Масса: 166 г
Размеры(В x Ш x Т), см: 23 x 16 x 1

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. A Brown truss is a type of bridge truss, used in covered bridges. It is noted for its economical use of materials and is named after the inventor, Josiah Brown Jr., of Buffalo, New York, who patented it July 7, 1857 as US patent 17,722. The Brown truss is a box truss that is a through truss (as contrasted with a deck truss) and consists of diagonal cross compression members connected to horizontal top and bottom stringers. There may be vertical or almost vertical tension members but there are no vertical members in compression. In practice, when used in a covered bridge, the most common application, the truss is protected with outside sheathing. The floor and roof are also trusses, but are horizontal and serve to give the truss rigidity. The bottoms of the diagonals tend to protrude below the sheathing. The Brown truss is noted for economy of materials as it can be built with very little metal.

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