Canadian Pipe Mine

Canadian Pipe Mine

Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John McBrewster


бумажная книга

Издательство: Книга по требованию
Дата выхода: июль 2011
ISBN: 978-6-1338-4641-8
Объём: 120 страниц
Масса: 203 г
Размеры(В x Ш x Т), см: 23 x 16 x 1

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Canadian pipe mine, also known as the McNaughton tube was a type of landmine deployed in Britain during the invasion crisis of 1940-1941. It comprised a horizontally bored pipe packed with explosives – once in place this could be used to instantly ruin a road or runway thereby denying its use by an enemy. Soon after the end of the war, almost all the Canadian pipe mine installations were removed. However, a small number were missed and rediscovered many years later when it was necessary to deal with them with great care. This happened in April 2006 when 20 unexploded pipe mines were discovered under a runway at a former Royal Navy air base, HMS Daedalus, Lee-on-Solent, Hampshire. 60 feet long, they were left over from an original 265, packed with a total of 2,400 lb of explosive. Their removal, thought to be the largest of its kind in peacetime Britain, led to the evacuation of some 900 homes staggered over a 5 week period. The mines were destroyed by controlled explosion.

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