Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide. 2nd Edition

Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide. 2nd Edition

A. Meyer Eric


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15.3 USD

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Ожидаемое поступление (если вы сделаете заказ прямо сейчас): 17.09.2024; планируемая отправка: 18.09.2024

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отгрузка со склада в С.-Петербурге: 15.09.2024

Издательство: O'Reilly & Associates
Дата выхода: декабрь 2009
ISBN: 0-596-00525-3
Объём: 528 страниц

Cascading Style Sheets can put a great deal of control and flexibility into the hands of a Web designer--in theory. In reality, however, varying browser support for CSS1 and lack of CSS2 implementation makes CSS a very tricky topic. Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide is a comprehensive text that shows how to take advantage of the benefits of CSS while keeping compatibility issues in mind.
The book is very upfront about the spotty early browser support for CSS1 and the sluggish adoption of CSS2. However, enthusiasm for the technology spills out of the pages, making a strong case for even the most skeptical reader to give CSS a whirl and count on its future. The text covers CSS1 in impressive depth--not only the syntactical conventions but also more general concepts such as specificity and inheritance. Frequent warnings and tips alert the reader to browser-compatibility pitfalls.

Entire chapters are devoted to topics like units and values, visual formatting and positioning, and the usual text, fonts, and colors. This attention to both detail and architecture helps readers build a well-rounded knowledge of CSS and equips readers for a future of real-world debugging. Cascading Style Sheets honestly explains the reasons for avoiding an in-depth discussion of the still immature CSS2, but covers the general changes over CSS1 in a brief chapter near the end of the book.

When successfully implemented, Cascading Style Sheets result in much more elegant HTML that separates form from function. This fine guide delivers on its promise as an indispensable tool for CSS coders. --Stephen W. Plain

Topics covered:

Selectors and structure
Text manipulation
Colors and backgrounds
Boxes and borders
Visual formatting principles
CSS2 preview
CSS case studies