Designers Desktop Manual #ост./не издается#

Designers Desktop Manual #ост./не издается#

Simmons, J


бумажная книга

Издательство: АСТ/Астрель
Дата выхода: июль 2011
ISBN: 978-2-940361-76-2

The Designer’s Desktop Manual unravels the essential technical aspects of key areas of print and screen-based design – type and typography; colour; imaging; layout; and printing – via step-by-step projects and inspirational examples. Each section will analyse the technological issues – from the most basic, introductory techniques and principles, to more advanced practices – and the skills needed to work within each area of design. The Designer’s Desktop Manual empowers the amateur or student designer, tackling common technical problems and establishing best-practice guidelines alongside a wealth of technical hints and tips. The Designer’s Desktop Manual also puts the most up-to-date digital and hand-made techniques into the context of the evolution of design, allowing the design student to gain a deeper knowledge of design processes and techniques.
