Escape from Mount Moriah. Trials and Triumphs of Making It in the New World

Escape from Mount Moriah. Trials and Triumphs of Making It in the New World

Jack Engelhard


бумажная книга

ISBN: 9781771430968

All the short stories within this memoir illuminate and pack a wallop. They sparkle and shine in Engelhard`s unique minimalist style...prose that is lean, reserved and economical...if there is one word to describe Engelhard`s writing, it would be CHARM. What a gift to those of us who understand the trials and triumphs of growing up. Escape from Mount Moriah...among the greatest memoirs ever.
Torn from their homes in France at the onset of the Nazi invasion, and after a harrowing escape across the Pyrenees, the Engelhard family -- Noah, Ida, Sarah and Jack -- must begin lives as refugees in a new world -- first Canada (Montreal), later the United States. The experiences that shaped young Jack Engelhard were those that profoundly changed the world. Famous as the foremost chronicler of moral dilemmas and of topics dealing with temptation, Engelhard, often likened to Hemingway and James M. Cain for precision, helps us understand that life itself is the process of learning who you are.

"The refugee stories Engelhard preserves are boyhood memories of an almost Tom Sawyer character... adventurous, humorous, sometimes wonderfully strange exploits of a youth during his family`s adjustment to a new world."
- Chris Leppek, Jewish News (Denver)

"Jack Engelhard`s remarkable life has led to a notable literary gift."
- Literature Professor Eugene Narrett

"For my money every one of the 18 stories in this memoir has a latent brilliance and character unmatched in any published stories of their kind. Jack Engelhard is the last of the Hemingways."
- John W. Cassell, author of Crossroads: 1969

About the Author:
Contemporaries have hailed novelist Jack Engelhard as "the last Hemingway" and of being "a writer without peer and the conscience of us all." The New York Times commended the economy of his prose... "precise, almost clinical language." His bestselling novel Indecent Proposal made him internationally famous as the foremost chronicler of moral dilemmas and of topics dealing with temptation. Works that followed won him an even greater following, such as Escape from Mount Moriah, his book of memoirs that won awards for writing and for film. His latest novel Compulsive draws us into the mind of a compulsive gambler in a work stunningly brilliant and original, and seductively readable. Engelhard writes a weekly column for The Washington Times. His website:
