Grotesque and Humorous Tales

Grotesque and Humorous Tales

Manfred Kyber


бумажная книга

Дата выхода: январь 2010
ISBN: 9781847487483
Объём: 102 страниц

`My cook complains that you are haunting the kitchen. She says that you (and I quote) `howl, groan and flap about with your shroud`. I must ask you with the deepest respect to stop. Otherwise, my cook will hand in her notice and that will mean no more cakes.` Can you imagine ghosts and demons trying to be terrifying and failing miserably? Or inviting a Cyclops into your home who helps himself to chocolate biscuits? Or the boss drinking a potion that turns him into a baby? In the world of Baltic writer Manfred Kyber, anything is possible. Weird and wonderful events add a touch of humour and magic to this fabulous collection of tales.
