How to Plant False Memories In Your Own Mind

How to Plant False Memories In Your Own Mind

T. L. Crim


бумажная книга

1330 USD


Внимание! Книгу продает:
Андрей Владимирович

Весь мир: самовывоз, почта

Условия продажи: оплата и доставка по договоренности

Андрей Владимирович

Дата выхода: апрель 2012
Объём: 44 страниц
Масса: 70 г
Обложка: мягкая
Бумага: офсетная

The book that ALMOST never got published. Certainly one of the most controversial books on the mind ever, this book takes the hidden, secret, and even denied "mind control" secrets one step further and puts the technology in the hands of the individual. YES - IT IS POSSIBLE TO PLANT "FALSE MEMORIES" IN YOUR OWN MIND! And these memories are "REAL" memories - indistinguishable from any other memories. If you are reading this, then you already KNOW the earth-shattering implications of this.