In Defense of Food: Eaters Manifesto

In Defense of Food: Eaters Manifesto

Pollen, Michael


бумажная книга

Издательство: Penguin Group
Дата выхода: август 2011
ISBN: 978-0-14-103472-0

This book is a celebration of food. By food, Michael Pollan means real, proper, simple food - not the kind that comes in a packet, or has lists of unpronounceable ingredients, or that makes nutritional claims about how healthy it is. More like the kind of food your great-grandmother would recognize. In "Defence of Food" is a simple invitation to junk the science, ditch the diet and instead rediscover the joys of eating well. By following a few pieces of advice (Eat at a table - a desk doesn`t count. Don`t buy food where you`d buy your petrol!), you will enrich your life and your palate, and enlarge your sense of what it means to be healthy and happy. It`s time to fall in love with food again.
