Lady Chatterleys Lover (MM)

Lady Chatterleys Lover (MM)

Lawrence, D.H.


бумажная книга

Издательство: Random House (USA)
Дата выхода: сентябрь 2012
ISBN: 978-0-553-21262-4

Lyric and sensual, Lawrence`s last novel is one of the major works of fiction of the twentieth century. Filled with scenes of intimate beauty, explores the emotions of a lonely woman trapped in a sterile marriage and her growing love for the robust gamekeeper of her husband`s estate. The most controversial of Lawrence`s books, "Lady Chatterly`s Lover" joyously affirms the author`s vision of individual regeneration through sexual love. The book`s power, complexity, and psychological intricacy make this a completely original work — a triumph of passion, an erotic celebration of life.
