Litvinenko File PB

Litvinenko File PB

Sixsmith, Martin


бумажная книга

Издательство: Picador USA
Дата выхода: июль 2011
ISBN: 978-0-330-45413-1
Объём: 344 страниц

A gruesome murder and an explosive mystery: an exiled former KGB agent poisoned in the very heart of London. Who were the men who laced Alexander Litvinenko`s tea with enough radioactive polonium to gnaw away his internal organs and condemn him to days of unbearable agony in the terrible knowledge that death was inevitable? Within hours of his burial in a lead-lined coffin, the Litvinenko case had plunged Russia and the West into the sort of political stand-off unseen since the Cold War. But many things in the Litvinenko file are not what they seem. In this vivid and thrilling account Martin Sixsmith, former Moscow correspondent for the BBC, uses his unique access to voices in both of the warring camps to uncover the brutal truth about Litvinenko`s own past and the murky dealings that gave many people a motive to want him dead. "The Litvinenko File" is a gripping account of how Russia`s war with itself spilled onto the streets of London in a savage act of modern
