Madame Bovary

Madame Bovary

Flaubert, Gustave


бумажная книга

Издательство: Penguin Books
Серия: Penguin Popular Classics
Дата выхода: октябрь 2011
ISBN: 978-0-14-062411-3
Объём: 362 страниц

Emma Rouault leaves her father to marry Charles Bovary, an insignificant local doctor, and to live among the bourgeoisie of Yonville. An ardent devourer of sentimental novels, Emma fills her head with fantastic notions of gallantry and high romance, which she soon finds lacking in her dull husband. Disillusioned and frustrated she finds solace in a tempestuous love affair with the local squire, naively imagining that he will fulfil her desires.
