Madame Pamplemousse and Her Incredible Edibles

Madame Pamplemousse and Her Incredible Edibles

Kingfisher, Rupert


бумажная книга

Издательство: Bloomsbury
Дата выхода: март 2012
ISBN: 978-0-7475-9230-3
Объём: 160 страниц

Madame Pamplemousse is the story of Madeleine, forced to work in her unpleasant uncle`s horrible restaurant, The Squealing Pig. By chance she comes across the most marvellous shop, run by Madame Pamplemousse, which is quiet, discreet, yet full of delicious and otherworldly `edibles` - Pterodactyl Bacon, Scorpion Tails in Smoked Garlic Oil, and Great Squid Tentacle in Jasmine-Scented Jelly. A quiet comradeship develops between Madeleine, Madame Pamplemousse, and Madame`s cat, Camembert. And together they create some wonderful culinary magic. Exquisite, beautifully formed prose that has echoes of Angela Carter belies a narrative that is full of pace. A wonderful fairy tale that will appeal to both adults and children.
