Office Open XML Intermediate 5 Month Ballot Results

Office Open XML Intermediate 5 Month Ballot Results

Jesse Russell Ronald Cohn


бумажная книга

ISBN: 978-5-5120-3330-2

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! During the standardization of Office Open XML, Ecma International submitted its Office Open XML File Formats standard (ECMA-376) to the ISO Fast Track process. After a comment period, the ISO held a ballot that closed September 2007. This has been observed to be perhaps the most controversial and unusual ISO ballot ever convened, both in the number of comments in opposition, and in unusual actions during the voting process. Various factions have strongly supported and opposed this fast track process. On the supporting side were primarily Microsoft affiliated companies; on the opposing side were free- or open-source software organizations, IBM and affiliates, Sun Microsystems, and Google.
