One Day in Life of Ivan Denisovich (Ned)

One Day in Life of Ivan Denisovich (Ned)

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander


бумажная книга

Издательство: Penguin Group
Дата выхода: август 2011
ISBN: 978-0-451-53104-9
Объём: 176 страниц

Solzhenitsyn`s first book, this economical, relentless novel is one of the most forceful artistic indictments of political oppression in the Stalin-era Soviet Union. The simply told story of a typical, grueling day of the titular character`s life in a labor camp in Siberia, is a modern classic of Russian literature and quickly cemented Solzhenitsyn`s international reputation upon publication in 1962. It is painfully apparent that Solzhenitsyn himself spent time in the gulags-he was imprisoned for nearly a decade as punishment for making derogatory statements about Stalin in a letter to a friend.
