Rate Card

Rate Card

Lambert M. Surhone Mariam T. Tennoe Susan F. Henssonow


бумажная книга

ISBN: 978-6-1350-2330-5

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. A rate card is a document containing prices and descriptions for the various ad placement options available from a media outlet. Like the rack rate at a hotel, this is generally the maximum price that one may pay. Most advertising buyers will pay significantly less than this, receiving discounts due to volume, a desire to sell unused space, or other factors. There are many websites and companies out there who sell rate cards or advertise them. This is because they have already done the research to see which rate works the best in the media and on television. Advertisers and companies looking to make a profit turn to the rate card to see how much they will need to be spending to get their message across to consumers.
