Schizo-Whispers. My Autobiography

Schizo-Whispers. My Autobiography

Antonia Urduja Roberts


бумажная книга

ISBN: 9781847482112

Flashes of memory, humorous anecdotes, heart-warming poetry. Antonia Urduja Roberts pulls us into her multitudinous world in this sometimes melancholy, yet greatly uplifting memoir. A widely- travelled spiritual woman, Antonia tells of her life from her birth in the Philippines, to her teenage years in Germany and beyond. As she learns how to balance traditional Filipino mystical folklore with the Catholicism imposed by the conquistadors of earlier times, Antonia gradually learns to adapt to life in late twentieth-century Europe. Mixing dreams with reality, Antonia navigates the dangerous pathways of life, tackling her inner demons in an unsure world and philosophising on life, love and religion.
