Speaking on Special Occasions: Teach Yourself #ост./не издается#

Speaking on Special Occasions: Teach Yourself #ост./не издается#

Arnold, Jackie


бумажная книга

Издательство: Hodder & Stoughton
Дата выхода: август 2011
ISBN: 978-0-340-97165-9

It gives you a comprehensive source of advice, material and techniques for wedding speeches offers hints on how to speak effectively and conquer your butterflies features practical guides to making the most of props and technology Written by a professional toastmaster, keynote speaker and voice coach, this book gives you all you need to make an effective speech on any occasion. From weddings and christenings to fundraising events and after-dinner speeches, it offers suitable material for any occasion, with practical techniques and strategies for everything from using props to conquering stage fright and banishing your butterflies forever.