The Black Magic Effect

The Black Magic Effect

Dario Thomas


бумажная книга

465.5 USD


Внимание! Книгу продает:
Андрей Владимирович

Весь мир: самовывоз, почта

Условия продажи: оплата и доставка по договоренности

Андрей Владимирович

Дата выхода: июнь 2016
ISBN: 978-1-5335-8286-7
Объём: 160 страниц
Масса: 200 г
Обложка: мягкая
Бумага: офсетная

You can't always trust what you think you believe, but people often do, thus The Black Magic Effect. Is your life a series of ups and downs? If you get rid of one problem, as if by magic, does another one appear out of nowhere to take its place? Is life a daily frustrating grind that keeps you wondering, "Will I ever get a break? " If this is your lot, then chances are pretty good that a black magic spell has been cast upon you. People, especially the ones that claim to love you, are constantly casting black magic spells upon you without your knowledge. This book will show you why the world is collectively hexed and also how you can undo the spell that has been cast on you.