The Black Scriptures: Foundational Rituals of Maergzjiran Magick

The Black Scriptures: Foundational Rituals of Maergzjiran Magick

Somnus Dreadwood


бумажная книга

1330 USD


Внимание! Книгу продает:
Андрей Владимирович

Весь мир: самовывоз, почта

Условия продажи: оплата и доставка по договоренности

Андрей Владимирович

Дата выхода: апрель 2015
ISBN: 978-1-5186-8089-2
Объём: 138 страниц
Масса: 220 г
Обложка: мягкая
Бумага: офсетная
Иллюстрированное издание +

The Black Magick Grimoire and perfect primer for Disciples of the Left Hand Path. Archdemons, their magickal dominions, infernal spellcraft, necromancy, abjuration and protection magicks, curses and hexes, blood pacts, planar gates, evocations, invocations, black oneiromancy, the conjuration of unspeakable horrors, mystic shields, and secrets of abysmal might are finally transcribed from the original text and mouth of Cernobog. Taking directly from the Patriarch of the Cabal, Sybastien Drujziya's personal grimoire and with special Cabal additions, this is a grand primer into the various magicks of the Maergzjiran Cabal's Temple. There is even an introduction to working with the Kanahrahan and vile magick, which is given for the first time in any written format. Further detail is accounted regarding the Maergzjiran Cabal's methods of magickal execution and techniques for mastery. The Black Scriptures is a definitive black magick grimoire and must-have for all Disciples of the Left Hand Path. Those who have taken the time to understand the magicks of Maergzjirah have discovered for themselves a powerful path of spirituality that leads down the Dark Path toward apotheosis and self-mastery.