The Dark Arts of Immortality: Transformation Through War, Sex, & Magic

The Dark Arts of Immortality: Transformation Through War, Sex, & Magic

C. Hariison Kon


бумажная книга

332.5 USD


Внимание! Книгу продает:
Андрей Владимирович

Весь мир: самовывоз, почта

Условия продажи: оплата и доставка по договоренности

Андрей Владимирович

Дата выхода: сентябрь 2005
ISBN: 978-1-4208-8054-0
Объём: 188 страниц
Масса: 320 г
Обложка: мягкая
Бумага: офсетная
Иллюстрированное издание +

If you had the power within your reach to insure your own immortality, would you risk all to grasp it? Think about it. No longer would you plead for the mercy of others. No longer would you bow to invisible masters. No longer would you struggle for table scraps. You could become master of your own destiny. You could become as God. Drawing on the findings of science, religion, sociology, psychology, philosophy, mythology, history, ancient texts, and metaphysics, The Dark Arts of Immortality explains how to harness and augment the energy of our innate drives. Through personal combat, sexual fantasy, and mystic rituals the death drive (mortido), sex drive (libido), and growth drive (physis) can provide doorways to supra-consciousness. These core altered states of being (fury, ecstasy, and exaltation) grant preternatural physical, mental, and spiritual abilities. The synthesis of these attributes will elevate personal power in this world and allow one to manifest a divine Being in the afterlife.