THINK LIKE AN IMMIGRANT--Old Lessons for Success Taught by America`s Newest Arrivals

THINK LIKE AN IMMIGRANT--Old Lessons for Success Taught by America`s Newest Arrivals

Robert Wolff


бумажная книга

Дата выхода: январь 2012
ISBN: 9781937939045
Объём: 36 страниц

THINK LIKE AN IMMIGRANT Old Lessons for Success Taught by America`s Newest Arrivals In a nation of millions of immigrants, each has an amazing success story to tell and inspiring lessons we can learn that can profoundly change our lives. Here`s how they did it. You can too! Are you ready to change your life and get the things you want, but you don`t know how? That`s all about to change if you follow the Immigrant`s Principles for Success. It`s the 14 ways to greater success and prosperity. What you`re about to read isn`t long, but the ideas it contains have the power to change your life. They are the success principles immigrants follow. And if you follow these same principles and add to them the talents and abilities you already possess, you too can achieve remarkable results. America is a nation of immigrants. Legion are the rags-to-riches stories of immigrants coming to the United States-even without their knowing anyone or being able to speak English-and achieving great success in amazingly short times. Think of it. These are people from different lands. They don`t speak the language and don`t know the depth and mores of American culture. Many have decided to come here, knowing they may never return home. How is it that, under such adversity, fear and hardship, having to understand so much in so little time, they rise to such heights of achievement and success so quickly? It happens every day. And why is it that so many people, who were born and raised in America`s great land, with every potential for opportunity that the world has ever known, still complain about all the hardships and lack of opportunities available to anyone? Immigrants-America`s newest arrivals-can teach us why, and in ways we may have forgotten or may never have known. These amazing people quickly reach the heights of success, not only for their quality and character, but for their work ethic and principles. America is still the place immigrants dream of and will die for, just so they can live the dream and be called "An American." What they`re about to teach you can change your life. And it all starts with Lesson One...
