Tony Robinson`s Weird World of Wonders: British

Tony Robinson`s Weird World of Wonders: British

Robinson, Tony


бумажная книга

Издательство: Picador
Дата выхода: декабрь 2012
ISBN: 978-0-330-53426-0
Объём: 160 страниц
Обложка: мягкая

Tony Robinson takes you on a headlong gallop through time, pointing out all the most important, funny, strange, amazing, entertaining, smelly and disgusting bits about the British! It`s history, but not as we know it! Find out everything you ever needed to know in this brilliant, action-packed, fact-filled book including: How to avoid scurvy; Why bright red isn`t the best colour for a soldier`s uniform; Why not being able to swim was considered an advantage, and How to cure the most gruesome tropical diseases.
