Vision in White

Vision in White

Roberts, Nora


бумажная книга

Дата выхода: октябрь 2012
ISBN: 978-0-515-15064-3
Объём: 320 страниц
Обложка: мягкая

With bridal magazine covers to her credit, Mackensie "Mac" Elliot is most at home behind the camera - ready to capture the happy moments she never experienced while growing up. Her father replaced his first family with a second, and now her mother, moving on to yet another man, begs Mac for attention and money. Mac`s foundation is jostled again moments before an important planning meeting when she bumps into the bride-to-be`s brother…an encounter that has them both seeing stars. Carter Maguire is definitely not her type: he`s stable, and he`s safe. He`s even an English teacher at their high school alma mater. There`s something about him that makes Mac think a casual fling is just what she needs to take her mind off dealing with bridezillas and screening her mother`s phone calls. But a casual fling can turn into something more when you least expect it. And with the help of her three best friends - and business partners - Mac must learn how to make her own happy memories…
