Wee William

Wee William

Webster, Sheryl; Johansson, Cecilia


бумажная книга

Издательство: OXED
Дата выхода: ноябрь 2012
ISBN: 978-0-19-272919-4

Wee William is the smallest in his family. Everything about him is small, as his other family members are keen to point out. `Your tiny ears`, says Daddy. `Your teeny whiskers`, says his big sister Martha. `And your little wriggle`, says Mummy. This is something William does when he`s out and about, doing all those things that toddlers do-feeding the ducks, swimming lessons, shopping with Mummy. But when Mummy or Daddy see him start to give that tell-tale wriggle, each one of these activities may need to be suddenly cut short in exchange for finding-quickly! - somewhere for him to `go`. Then one day, when he`s out playing with his friends, William has a little accident. After some gentle parental advice, William learns the importance of making sure he goes to the toilet before it becomes a matter of urgency. And the story ends with him enjoying all the thrills of the woodland fair without a single wriggle. There`s a lovely moment where the fairground ride makes William cry `Weeeeeee` for all the right reasons!
