White Death: Russia`s War on Finland 1939-40

White Death: Russia`s War on Finland 1939-40

Edwards, Robert


бумажная книга

Издательство: Орион
Дата выхода: декабрь 2012
ISBN: 978-0-7538-2247-0
Объём: 328 страниц
Обложка: мягкая

When Russia invaded Finland in November 1939, the international community reacted with shock and outrage. Several nations, including France and England, pledged their support to the Finns, but a ring of neutral countries around the Baltic refused to allow foreign troops and equipment through. While the rest of the world dithered, Finland was left to face the full might of the Russians alone.
Right from the beginning, the result of the conflict seemed to be a foregone conclusion. To everyone`s surprise, however, the Finns did not collapse under Soviet pressure, but took the fight to the Russians in a way that made them an international cause celebre.
In his new interpretation of this little-understood war, Robert Edwards describes one of the most doomed but valiant defences since Thermopylae. The result is a compelling and comprehensive account of a conflict that was pregnant with consequences for the rest of the Second World War.
"This excellent book… is well researched, clearly written and well stocked with photographs, maps, notes, bibliography etc"
Sunday Herald
Формат: 13 см x 19,5 см.
