Windows XP Unwired. A Guide for Home, Office, and the Road

W. Lee

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Wireless Networking Fundamentals
Understanding Radio Waves
Wireless Networks

Chapter 2. Wi-Fi on Your Notebook
802.11 Wireless Standards
Understanding 802.11 Speak
Connecting to a Wireless Network
Taking It on the Road

Chapter 3. Wi-Fi on the Road
Wireless Hotspots
Finding Wireless Networks

Chapter 4. Communicating Securely
Secure Wireless Computing
Virtual Private Networks
Secure Shell (SSH)
Wi-Fi Security
Are 802.11 Networks Really Secure?

Chapter 5. Configuring Wireless Access Points
Setting Up a Wireless Network
Case Study: The Home Network
Case Study: The Office Network
Configuring an Access Point
Ad-Hoc Wireless Networking
Setting Up a Wireless Repeater
Guidelines for Securing a Wireless Network
Troubleshooting Wi-Fi

Chapter 6. Bluetooth
Bluetooth Standards Today
Bluetooth Devices
Bluetooth Service Profiles
Using Bluetooth in Windows XP
Connecting to a Pocket PC
Bluetooth LAN
Bluetooth Security

Chapter 7. Infrared
IrDA in More Detail
IrDA Adapters
Using IrDA in Windows XP
Infrared File Transfer
Infrared Security

Chapter 8. Cellular Networking
Cellular Networking Price and Performance

Chapter 9. Global Positioning System (GPS)
How GPS Works
GPS Devices
GPS Software

Chapter 10. Microsoft Smart Display and Remote Desktop
What Is the Microsoft Smart Display?
Using the ViewSonic AirPanel V150
Using Remote Desktop
