Witch Child (OME)

Witch Child (OME)

Rees, Celia


бумажная книга

Издательство: Bloomsbury
Дата выхода: октябрь 2011
ISBN: 978-0-7475-6451-5
Объём: 240 страниц

During the witch hunts of the mid-1600s, many young Englishwomen died on the gallows, innocent victims of false or hysterical accusations of witchcraft. But what of those women who actually claimed the name "witch" as their own? In the pages of her secret journal, Mary Nuttall reveals what it is like to live in a climate of mistrust and piety in which differences are dangerous and rumors can kill, where she must hide her heritage as a healer and pagan. With a sure hand, she describes her beloved grandmother`s trial and hanging as a witch, her own rescue by a mysterious noblewoman, and her eventual passage to the New World and the forest settlement of Beulah. There Mary falls under a curtain of suspicion when she willingly chooses to explore the dark woods shunned by the fearful colonists and makes friends with some of the spiritual native people. When several girls in the community begin to shriek and swoon, and the same minister who damned Mary`s grandmother comes to search for signs of witchcraft, Mary is subjected to close and deadly scrutiny.
