

Toft, Di


бумажная книга

Издательство: Pearson
Дата выхода: июль 2011
ISBN: 978-1-905294-90-9

"Wolven" is a fantasy firmly rooted in the mysterious present. A boy and his eccentric grandparents live near a strange wood - apparently cursed. He longs for a dog - but the dirty ungainly farm creature finally found by his grandfather hardly fits his image of the perfect pet. And it howls in the night. But it`s only when his dog starts to grow human ears that he realises that something is seriously wrong. The truth is stranger than his wildest dreams - the boy who appears, alarmingly unpredictably, is a kind of special werewolf in reverse. A noble, almost heraldic breed of Wolven - the kings own werewolves from ancient times, who have been i hiding until rediscovered by evil government scientists who are trying to breed werewolves as weapons.
