Woman in Charge: Life of Hillary Clinton

Woman in Charge: Life of Hillary Clinton

Bernstein, Carl


бумажная книга

Издательство: Random House
Дата выхода: июль 2011
ISBN: 978-0-09-951922-5
Объём: 664 страниц

A Woman in Charge shows the true trajectory of Hillary`s astonishing life and career. From a staunchly Republican household and apparently idyllic Midwestern girlhood - her disciplinarian father here revealed as harsher than she has acknowledged - we see the shaping of a brilliant girl whose curiosity was fuelled by the ferment of the 1960s and a desire to change the world. During her student years, she was already perceived as a spokeswoman for her generation. Then, at Yale Law School, she met and fell in love with Bill Clinton, cancelling her own dreams to tie her fortunes to his. Bernstein clarifies the amazing dynamic of their marriage, charting both her political acumen and her blind spots, and untangling her relationship to the great controversies of Whitewater, Troopergate and Travelgate. And then, in the emotional and political chaos of the Lewinsky affair we see Hillary standing by her husband - evoking a rising wave of sympathy from a public previously cool to her and,...
