Word about the poet Zharaskan Abdrashev (Аралдан шан асар)

Word about the poet Zharaskan Abdrashev (Аралдан шан асар)

Alpysbai Mussaev


электронная книга

Дата выхода: декабрь 2019
Размер файла: 1027 Кб

In this work, the Doctor of Philology, professor Mussaev Alpysbai analyzed artistic appearance and multifaceted skills in the poems of one of the biggest personalities in the Kazakh poetry Zharaskan Abdrashev. The first object of study were selected features of the world of lyrical poet questions the national spirit, national traditions and national psychology, and especially the writer\'s skill in his poems. The book is intended for students of philological faculties of universities, undergraduates, academics, as well as a wide range of lovers of literature.
