Workout Pre-Int WB #ост./не издается#

Workout Pre-Int WB #ост./не издается#

Radley, Paul


бумажная книга

Издательство: Pearson
Дата выхода: июль 2011
ISBN: 978-0-17-556726-3

This series emphasizes the development of students` fluency and accuracy through relevant language and skills. There is a clear system of vocabulary presentation and development, with constant lexical recycling. In addition, all structures are presented in context and practised through exercises. The course contains a learner-training programme to help students develop study-skills and promote independence. There is also a flexible reading and listening programme with optional exercises, allowing the teacher to use the material to suit the needs of the class. The writing programme is systematic, with clear progression reflecting students` needs, and there is an integrated pronunciation programme.