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Mysticism of the Mahabharata


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Mysticism of the...

Swami Jyotirmayananda

The Mahabharata is one of the greatest epic poems ever written, and its teachings have been a...

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NAOS: A Practical...

Thorhold West

NAOS - the sought after ONA grimoire of modern magick. Presents a powerful initiatory system for...

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Necromancy: the...

Lucien Rofocale

Occult history and the Black Arts reveals that man has always attempted to marshal the powerful...

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S. Connolly

This chapbook is a companion ritual and invocation book to Honoring Death: The Arte of...

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Necromantic Death...

Ishna Gyrath

True and Powerful Ritual for the worship of the Dark and the Black that we know as Death. Only...

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New Rituals of the...

Oliver Bowes

Destruction magick. Includes a detailed account of how one man avenged himself with these...

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Nightside of Eden

Kenneth Grant

Nightside of Eden has been out of print now, for 20 years. It was the first 'Qliphoth Grimoire',...

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Norse Magic

D. J. Conway

Elves and dwarves, gnomes and frost giants... Norse mythology is filled with tales of such...

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Георг фон Веллинг

Алхимический трактат Георга фон Веллинга (1655-1727), изложенный в трех частях и содержащий...

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Organo Sagrado

Чом Толтек

Если назначение цивилизации - умение достигать максимальных результатов взаимодействия с...

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Palo Mayombe: The...

Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

Palo Mayombe: The Garden of Blood and Bones is an initiate's account of this much maligned cult...

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Panparadox: Pan...


Panparadox belongs to very early writings of Vexior (the author of Gullveigrbok and Þursakyngi...

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Lyne Bansat-Boudon, Kamaleshadatta Tripathi

Предлагаемый читателю единственный научный перевод Парамартхасары Абхинавагупты и комментария...

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Paths to Satan: A...

Martin Mcgreggor

Paths to Satan: A Guide to Contemporary Satanism, guides non-Satanists and those considering...

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PILLARS Perichoresis...

Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold, Asenath Mason, Ash Nostro Morg

Note that this Book shall be THE definitive and Deluxe Edition of PILLARS Volume 1, and shall...

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Pomba Gira: Pomba Gira...

Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

A significant study on the cult of Pomba Gira, this is the most comprehensive work in the English...

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Practical Vampires

A. G. Sire

Practical Vampires covers the initiatory stage of acceptance, through to the Sixth Generation of...

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Profane Magick of the...

Indian Magician

The powerful, ancient Magick of the Indias is rarely seen in its authentic form, and the Black...

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Psalterium Sathanas

J. Boomsma

Limited edition of only 100 hand numbered copies. The Psalterium Sathanas contains devotionals of...

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PsyberMagick: Advanced...

Peter J. Carroll

A witty and iconoclastic commentary on magick and modern occult subculture by one of the founders...

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Qliphoth IV...

Edgar Kerval

"Within the darkness of the Abyss, lies the whispered chant of the Blackened Serpent... " Through...

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Queen of Hell

Mark Alan Smith

Queen of Hell is a book of raw spiritual power and in some cases Black Magick which will only...

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Realization Into...

Magnus Sarmarx

All THREE parts in TWO volumes! Volume 1 Realization into Hermetics Initiation and Masters: Part...

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Rites in the Thirteen...

Somnus Dreadwood

Enter the thirteen planar domains of Maergzjirah to delve into the magicks and mysteries of the...

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Rites of Lucifer

Asenath Mason

Lucifer is the archetype of the Adversary, initiator and guide on the Path of the Nightside. He...

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