

Помимо главных книг, существующих для каждой религии, в этом разделе представлена историческая литература, жития святых, сборники молитв, притчи. История веры и религиозных идей. От каменного века до элевсинских мистерий, Полная история ислама и арабских завоеваний, История веры и религиозных идей. От Магомета до Реформации – эти издания содержат описание всех существующих сегодня религий. А такие книги как Библия, Коран, Книга Будды, Махабхарата. Древнеиндийский эпос должны присутствовать в доме каждого просвещенного человека, вне зависимости от его вероисповедания. К Церкви легко будет приобщить и ребенка, если подарить ему 365 дней с любимым Пророком. Истории для детей и их родителей или Библию для детей.

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The Devil's Quran


Islamic tradition holds that through the fallen angels Harut and Marut, Shaitan has revealed his...

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The Divine Black Flame...

Vrykolakas Oriax

"Swords of Death" focuses on the concepts of destruction, Chaos and Satanic justice. Also...

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The Explicit Name Of...

Gilles de Laval

Book is quarter bound in leather with marbled boards with custom hand made traycase. Being at...

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The First Lesser...

Johannes H. von Hohenstätten

Only the genuine initiate of the hermetics truly knows what the First Lesser Arcanum means for...

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The First Book of...

Michael W. Ford, Nico Claux

The Luciferian Tarot is one of the first tarot decks to fully explore and present the Adversary...

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The Grimoire of Satan

Oliver Bowes

Some of the rituals covered by this book include: Opening the Gates of Hell & Connecting...

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The Golden Book of...

Seila Orienta

Seila Orienta wrote this description of the 4th Tarot Card according to the system of Franz...

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бумажная книга

The Kitvei Kodesh Hachol

Matthew Wightman

Издание в 2 томах. As has already been revealed, the Kitvei Kodesh HaChol will concern the...

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The Left Hand: The...

Somnus Dreadwood

The Left Hand is both a grimoire that breaks down the rites and spells of many commonly sought...

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The Mind of a Sorcerer

Wulf Grimsson

The Mind of a Sorcerer considers the nature of Sorcery in the modern world and the various...

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The Magick Of Lilith:...

Baal Kadmon

There has never been a Goddess in all the western traditions as maligned as the Goddess Lilith....

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бумажная книга

The NOX Anthology:...

Stephen Sennitt, Gareth Hewitson-May, Linda Falorio

Dark Doctrines is the first in a new series of NOX Anthologies. For the first time in the history...

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бумажная книга

The Necromantic Ritual...

Leilah Wendell

For many, ritual is a way to formally connect with specific currents of energy. The rituals in...

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бумажная книга

The New Hermetics:...

Jason Augustus Newcomb

The New Hermetics is a powerful spiritual technology of the mind. It is a course of study and...

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бумажная книга

The Pilgrim's Progress

John Bunyan

In John Bunyan's timeless allegory, Christian sets off on a journey to find salvation. His path...

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The Path of the...

Robert Coon

This book is a collection of the author's best thoughts, essays, and techniques regarding the...

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The Red King

Mark Alan Smith

The Red King is the second volume of the Trident of Witchcraft. The Red King consists of the Six...

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The Secret of...

Richard Bertschinger

The Secret of Everlasting Life is the first translation from the Chinese of the second-century...

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бумажная книга

The Satanic Warlock

Robert Johnson

Magister Dr. Robert Johnson's companion piece to Anton LaVey's celebrated THE SATANIC WITCH.

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The Satanic Predator...

Michael Sartin

This tome is a series which contains both The Satanic Predator Within: Awakening to the Self, and...

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бумажная книга

The Serpent Power

Muata Ashby

THE SERPENT POWER: The Ancient Egyptian Mystical Wisdom of the Inner Life Force. This Volume...

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бумажная книга

The Sinister Tradition

Anton Long, Christos Beest

THE SINISTER TRADITION is an authorized edition of three core works of the Order of Nine Angles:...

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The Secret to Eternal...

Oliver Bowes

ETERNAL LIFE, HEALTH AND BEAUTY! This ritual is far more powerful than that one as for the...

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бумажная книга

The Serpent Siddur of...

Matthew Wightman

Издание в 2 томах. Lyrics of Lilith, Songs of Samael: The Serpent Siddur of the Nachash El Acher...

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бумажная книга

The Sinister Way

Anton Long, Christos Beest

For the last four decades, the Order of Nine Angles has offered its initiates a traditional...

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