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For anyone who`s interested in inventive commercials, this book covers many of the best...
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We`ve searched far and wide, through Africa`s deserts and jungles, cities and wildlife reserves,...
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The dream of flying has preoccupied man since time immemorial. The fascination of discovering...
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The preeminent master of unabashed wealth and opulence, Paris based I Alberto Pinto is one of the...
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The Hermetic Museum takes its readers on a magical mystery tour spanning an arc from the...
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On his journeys through Spain`s southernmost province, Karl Lang came across many important...
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Movement is created from still images. Once the movement has been recorded on film, video, bytes...
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This book shows the progression of Interior Design of the Arabian countries. In contrast to many...
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The latest architecture and design of restaurants and bars, from L.A. to Tokyo, is the focus of...
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Debate over film`s credibility as an art form is as old as the medium itself, and largely defined...
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Моне - один из величайших живописцев второй половины XIX века, потрясающий мастер света и цвета,...
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Один из титанов итальянского Возрождения, величайший мастер живописи Леонардо, автор...
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Asian Resorts is conceived to be the most comprehensive collection on Asian resorts. Written and...