Издания на иностранном языке, посвященные искусству, станут украшением библиотеки любого эстета. Russian Country Estates, The Art of Assembly Language, The Art Of Debate (1922) – эти и другие альбомы будут понятны благодаря массе качественных фотографий, даже если вы не знаете язык, на котором они написаны. Спешите заказать в нашем магазине эти красочные сборники, в праздники они станут идеальным подарком для друзей и коллег.
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Karl Lang has sought out thousands of bridges of all five continents in order to record them with...
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Red, yellow, blue – and of course black – are the colours that Oliver Byrne employs for the...
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Lavishly illustrated, meticulously researched, and gracefully written, this is the definitive...
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Extra focus on the fun, family, off the beaten track and road trippable Canada. Includes resident...
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Covers Kazakhstan (Borat`s home), and other Central Asian regions. The only entire up to date...
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During his many trips through China, Karl Lang has created an unusual insight into this enormous...
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With his smooth, warm, red face which radiated light in all directions, Chairman Mao Zedong was a...
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A first edition will be published in January 2005, containing photo documents and preparatory...
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An essential dual-purpose handbook on imperial China: a highly readable popular history and a...