

Помимо обучающей, технической литературы, в каталогах нашего интернет-магазина вы найдете огромное количество книг на английском языке «другого профиля». К ним относятся путеводители, альбому по искусству и, конечно же, художественная литература. Читать Агату Кристи на языке оригинала – это реальность, если выбор падет на книгу Сверкающий цианид/ Sparkling Cyanide. Неоднозначный роман Голдинга Повелитель мух/Lord of the Flies доставит удовольствие как школьникам, так и их родителям, а комплект Английские народные сказки (+ 2CD) послужит хорошим начинанием в изучении культуры Англии.

Runaway Duckling  (Book +D)


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Runaway Duckling...

Simon, Francesca

Mother Duck warns her ducklings about the dangers that lie in wait outside of the gates of...

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Runaway Bunny  +D


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Runaway Bunny +D

Wise Brown, Margaret

Clement Hurd redrew some of his pictures for this new edition of the profoundly comforting story...

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Runelight   (TPB)


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Runelight (TPB)

Harris, Joanne

The squabbling Norse gods and goddesses of Runemarks are back! And there`s a feisty new heroine...

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Harris, Joanne

The squabbling Norse gods and goddesses of Runemarks are back! And there`s a feisty new heroine...

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Harris, Joanne

Seven o’clock, on a Monday morning, five hundred years after the end of the world, and goblins...

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Running Wild: PPB


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Running Wild: PPB

Margaret Johnson

The graded readers series of original fiction, adapted fiction and factbooks especially written...

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Running Man


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Running Man

King, Stephen

The runaway bestseller about the ultimate reality show. The year is 2025. The Running Man is...

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Running Your Own Business #ост./не издается#


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Running Your Own...

Duncan, Kevin

Lots of books tell you how to deal with the practicalities. This one tells you how to deal with...

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Running Man   Ned


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Running Man Ned

King, Stephen

Every night the whole nation watches the ultimate live game show on TV, as the contestants try to...

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Running from safety


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Running from safety

R Bach

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Running Wild: Bk +R/D Pk


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Running Wild: Bk +R/D Pk

Margaret Johnson

Discover the pleasure of reading with this new seven-level series of original fiction, adapted...

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Running in the Family


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Running in the Family

Ondaatje, Michael

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Rupert Bear. A Celebration of Favourite Stories


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Rupert Bear. A...

Bestall Alfred

This beautiful collection of stories has been exclusively reissued for the 100th anniversary....

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Lelic, Simon

`Find what you were looking for, Inspector`? Every day the same question. A different uniform but...

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Rush of Wings (Makers Song book 1)


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Rush of Wings (Makers...

Phoenix, Adrian

Special Agent Heather Wallace is a strong, compassionate woman who believes in justice and being...

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Russell’s Christmas Magic (PB) illustr


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Russell’s Christmas...

Scotton, Rob

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Russell Brand: My Booky Wook


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Russell Brand: My...

Brand, Russell

Russell Brand grew up in Essex. His father left when he was three months old, he was bulimic at...

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Russell Hoban: Riddley Walker


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Russell Hoban: Riddley...

Hoban Russell

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Russian in no Time. Russian at a Glance with cass


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Russian in no Time....

A combination bilingual phrasebook with a 90-minute audiotape. The cassette presents simplified...

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Russian Diary   PB


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Russian Diary PB

Politkovskaya, Anna

"A Russian Diary" is the book that Anna Politkovskava had recently completed when she was...

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Russian Country Estates


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Russian Country Estates

Ольга Игоревна Елисеева

One has only to say "the Russian country estate" and the following picture arises in one's mind:...

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Russian Phrasebook


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Russian Phrasebook

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Russias Empires: from Prehistory to Putin


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Russias Empires: from...

Longworth, Philip

Through the centuries, Russia has swung between successful expansionism, catastrophic collapse...

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Russia 1855-1991: From Tsars to Commissars


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Russia 1855-1991: From...

Oxley, Peter

Specially written for the AS/A2 examinations, this book combines extended period cover with...

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Russian-English Dictionary


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Langenscheidt Editorial

Newly Revised Second Edition. Fully updated and featuring more than 45,000 entries, this is the...

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