

Помимо обучающей, технической литературы, в каталогах нашего интернет-магазина вы найдете огромное количество книг на английском языке «другого профиля». К ним относятся путеводители, альбому по искусству и, конечно же, художественная литература. Читать Агату Кристи на языке оригинала – это реальность, если выбор падет на книгу Сверкающий цианид/ Sparkling Cyanide. Неоднозначный роман Голдинга Повелитель мух/Lord of the Flies доставит удовольствие как школьникам, так и их родителям, а комплект Английские народные сказки (+ 2CD) послужит хорошим начинанием в изучении культуры Англии.

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The Amazon Rainforest...

Virginia Evans,Jenny Dooley

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The Accident


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The Accident

Barclay, Linwood

Glen Barber`s life has just spiralled out of control. His wife`s car is found at the scene of a...

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The Amsterdam Connection: Sue Leather, Level 4, Powerbook


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The Amsterdam...

S. Leather

Modern, original fiction for learners of English. Journalist Kate Jensen is shocked when her...

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The Ancient Allan = Древний Аллан: роман на англ.яз


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The Ancient Allan =...

Haggard H.R.

A gripping novel which takes us and the hero, adventurer Allan Quatermain, back in time. It...

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The Anatomy Lesson


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The Anatomy Lesson

Roth, Philip

At forty, the writer Nathan Zuckerman comes down with a mysterious affliction - pure pain,...

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The Amazing Universe


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The Amazing Universe

Paul Shipton

The Universe is amazing and learners can find out all they need to know about the planets and our...

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The Adventures of Pinocchio


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The Adventures of...

C. Collodi


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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes XII = Приключения Шерлока Холмса XII: на англ.яз


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The Adventures of...

Doyle A.C.

Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the...

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


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The Adventures of...

M. Twain

Издательство "Менеджер" продолжает знакомить читателей с лучшими произведениями английской и...

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes


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The Adventures of...

Conan Doyle A.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is the series of short stories that made the fortunes of the...

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The Adventure of English


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The Adventure of English

Bragg Melvyn

English is the collective work of millions of people throughout the ages. It is democratic,...

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The Adventures of Father Brown. Рассказы отца Брауна


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The Adventures of...

G.K. Chesterton

Книга знакомит читателя с произведениями Г.К.Честертона, классика английской литературы первой...

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The Art of Detection


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The Art of Detection

King Laurie R.

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The Arabs: A History


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The Arabs: A History

Rogan, Eugene

Eugene Rogan has written an authoritative new history of the Arabs in the modern world. Starting...

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes = Приключения Шерлока Холмса: рассказы на англ. Яз


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The Adventures of...

Doyle Arthur Conan

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The Age of Dinosaurs...

Dooley J., Evans V.

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The Americas: Where to Go When


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The Americas: Where to...

Craig Doyle

The Americas: Where to Go When is the ultimate holiday planner, highlighting the most spectacular...

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The Aquitaine Progression


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The Aquitaine Progression

Ludlum, Robert

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes VIII = Приключения Шерлока Холмса VIII: на англ.яз


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The Adventures of...

Doyle A.C.

Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the...

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The Age of Innocence = Эпоха невинности: роман на англ.яз


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The Age of Innocence =...

Wharton E.

Эдит Уортон - известная американская писательница XX века, первая женщина-лауреат Пулитцеровской...

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The ABC Murders


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The ABC Murders

Christie Agatha

Agatha Christie`s world-famous serial killer mystery, coming to BBC TV and reissued in a...

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The Andromeda Strain


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The Andromeda Strain

Crichton, Michael

The United States government is given a warning by the pre-eminent biophysicists in the country:...

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The Ambassadors


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The Ambassadors

H. James

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The Art of Software Testing


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The Art of Software...

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The Asphalt Handbook


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The Asphalt Handbook

Asphalt Institute

For more than 70 years, "MS-4" has served the asphalt industry as its primary reference manual....

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