Jean Sibelius,

Sibelius, Jean

Произведения автора120

Край родной, Op.92. Oma maa, Op.92 by Sibelius, Jean


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Океаниды, Op.73. The Oceanides, Op.73 by Sibelius Jean


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Новелетта для скрипки и фортепиано, Op.102. Novelette for Violin and Piano, Op.102 by Sibelius, Jean


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Без плача. Not with lamentation by Sibelius, Jean


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Нарцисс. Narciss by Sibelius, Jean


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2 марша, Op.91. 2 Marches, Op.91 by Sibelius, Jean


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Мандолинато. Mandolinato by Sibelius, Jean


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Меланхолия, Op.20. Malinconia, Op.20 by Sibelius, Jean


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Гимн Земле, Op.95. Maan virsi, Op.95 by Sibelius, Jean


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4 лирических пьесы, Op.74. 4 Lyric Pieces, Op.74 by Sibelius, Jean


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Дочери природы, Op.70. Luonnotar, Op.70 by Sibelius, Jean


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Колыбельная для скрипки и Кантеле, JS 222. Lullaby for Violin and Kantele, JS 222 by Sibelius, Jean


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Одиночная лыжня. The Lonely Ski Trail by Sibelius, Jean


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Маленькие девочки. Little Girls by Sibelius, Jean


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Возвращение Лемминкяйнена, Op.22 No.4. LemminkГ¤inen`s Return, Op.22 No.4 by Sibelius, Jean


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Лемминкяйнен в Туонеля, Op.22 No.3. LemminkГ¤inen in Tuonela, Op.22 No.3 by Sibelius, Jean


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Лемминкяйнен и девушки на острове Саари, Op.22 No.1. LemminkГ¤inen and the Maidens of the Island, Op.22 No.1 by Sibelius, Jean


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Кюлликки, Op.41. Kyllikki, Op.41 by Sibelius, Jean


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Сюита Король Кристиан II, Op.27. King Christian II Suite, Op.27 by Sibelius, Jean


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Судьба Карелии. Karelia`s Fate by Sibelius, Jean


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Сюита Карелия,  Op.11. Karelia Suite, Op.11 by Sibelius Jean


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Увертюра Карелия, Op.10. Karelia Overture, Op.10 by Sibelius, Jean


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Памяти, Op.59. In memoriam, Op.59 by Sibelius, Jean


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6 экспромтов, Op.5. 6 Impromptus, Op.5 by Sibelius, Jean


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Экспромт, Op.19. Impromptu, Op.19 by Sibelius, Jean


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