Детективы, остросюжетная литература

Детективы, остросюжетная литература

Cannibals. Real events. The most famous maniacs are cannibals


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Cannibals. Real...

Max Klim

Terrible stories with unreasoned murders and cannibalism. Among the monsters that adore human...

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Casa da paixo. Agncia Amur


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Casa da paixo. Agncia...

Leon Malin

Outro negcio de especialistas em assuntos amorosos da Agncia Amur. A filha de uma dona de casa...

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Case No. 1832


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Case No. 1832

Nikolay Lakutin

Dreams… such a vast subject, such limitless possibilities. A sea of temptations and desires...

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Case No. 666: case of murder


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Case No. 666: case of...

Людмила Боррони Дмитрий Боррони

This book how criminal investigation is conducted. In telecasts about criminal act everything is...

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CASE #1. Mystical detective story


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CASE #1. Mystical...

Iskander Muratov

A young law student Alexander Morgan at the request of her chief stays with her at night in her...

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Cause to Kill


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Cause to Kill

Blake Pierce

Homicide Detective Avery Black has been through hell. Once a top criminal defense attorney, she...

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Cause to Dread


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Cause to Dread

Блейк Пирс

“A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn\'t let go.” –Midwest Book...

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Cause to Hide


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Cause to Hide

Blake Pierce

Bodies are being found in the outskirts of Boston, their corpses burned beyond recognition, as...

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Cause to Run


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Cause to Run

Blake Pierce

In CAUSE TO RUN (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 2), a new serial killer is stalking Boston, killing...

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Cause to Fear


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Cause to Fear

Blake Pierce

When a body turns up floating beneath the frozen Charles River, the Boston Police summons its...

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Cave canem, или Осторожно, злая собака. Книга первая


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Cave canem, или...

Натали Варгас

Таинственный иностранец, переступивший порог дома князя Камышина под Петербургом, попадает в...

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Лэнгли Дэннис

После страшной катастрофы, приведшей к концу жизни на Земле и ближайших колониях, люди поспешно...

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Celistic. Смотрящий во тьму


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Celistic. Смотрящий во...

Вадим Палонин Дэннис Лэнгли

2548. Десять лет назад ради повышения прибыли картель промышленников уничтожил населённую...

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Celistic. Эхо мира


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Celistic. Эхо мира

Дэннис Лэнгли Вадим Палонин

В поисках родителей безымянный странник путешествует от планеты к планете. Но найти их – это не...

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Children of the gods


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Children of the gods

Irina Ritter

In one of September days the head of 5 “B” class receives a call from an overwhelmed mom of...

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Блейк Пирс

Mistrovsk thriller a mystery! Autor skvostn vytvoil postavy, jejich psychick strnka je tak dobe...

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Choisir une marie. Agence Amur


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Choisir une marie....

Leon Malin

Le riche client de l’Agence Amur a deux «pouses». Devrait-il relier son destin avec l’un d’eux?...

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Choosing a bride. Agency Amur


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Choosing a bride....

Leon Malin

The rich client of the Amur Agency has two “brides”. Should he connect his fate with any of them?...

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Christopher Quarles: College Professor and Master Detective


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Christopher Quarles:...

Percy Brebner

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Chronicles of Martin Hewitt


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Chronicles of Martin...

Morrison A.

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Cl Zero


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Cl Zero

Джек Марс

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Cleek of Scotland Yard: Detective Stories


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Cleek of Scotland...

Thomas Hanshew

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Cleek, the Master Detective


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Cleek, the Master...

Thomas Hanshew

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Блейк Пирс

Uma obra-prima de thriller e mistrio! O autor fez um trabalho magnfico no desenvolvimento das...

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Compatibilit sexuelle. Agence Amur


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Compatibilit sexuelle....

Leon Malin

Agence Amur introduit un nouveau service pour les clients: Slection de partenaires pour la...

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