

Здесь представлен широчайший спектр книг, посвященных как созданию полнофункциональных интернет-решений, так и их капитализации, то есть, максимально эффективному использованию. Всеобъемлющие руководства по сетевому программированию: от HTML и XHTML, JavaScript до новейших систем контент-менеджмента, блогостроительства и интернет-брендинга  - только самые полезные книги для тех, кто решил связать свой бизнес с Глобальной Сетью.

Learning  jQuery. Better Interaction Design and Web Development with Simple JavaScript Techniques


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Learning jQuery....

Karl Swedberg Jonathan Chaffer

jQuery is a powerful JavaScript library that can enhance your websites regardless of your...

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Learning Facebook Application Development


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Learning Freenas


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Learning Freenas

Gary Sims

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Learning Html5 Modernizr


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Learning Aws Opsworks


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Learning SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services


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Learning Ext JS


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Learning Ext JS

Shea Frederick Colin Ramsay Steve `Cutter` Blades

As more and more of our work is done through a web browser, and more businesses build web rather...

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Learning Mambo. A Step-by-Step Tutorial to Building Your Website


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Learning Mambo. A...

Douglas Paterson

A well-structured and example-rich tutorial to creating websites using Mambo that is perfect for...

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Learning Ext Js 3.2


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Learning Mongoid


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Learning Mongoid

Gautam Rege

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Learning Flex 3: Getting up to Speed with Rich Internet Applications


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Learning Flex 3:...

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Learning Bing Maps API


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Learning Jquery Fourth Edition


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Learning Apache Karaf


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Learning Dart


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Learning the Yahoo! User Interface library


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Learning the Yahoo!...

Dan Wellman

The Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in...

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Learning jQuery 1.3


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Learning Three.Js. The JavaScript 3D Library for Webgl


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Learning eZ publish 3. Building content management solutions


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Learning eZ publish 3....

Paul Borgermans Tony Wood Paul Forsyth

Leaders of the eZ publish community guide you through this complex and powerful PHP based content...

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Learning Joomla! 1.5 Extension Development


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Learning Javascriptmvc


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Learning Vaadin 7. Second Edition


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Learning Metasploit Exploitation and Development


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Learning Dojo


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Learning Dojo

Peter Svensson

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Learning Drupal 6 Module Development


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Learning Drupal 6...

Matt Butcher

Walk through the development of complete Drupal 6 modules with this primer for PHP programmers,...

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