художественная литература

The Light that Failed


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The Light that Failed

R. Kipling

Издательство продолжает знакомить читателей с лучшими образцами английской литературы. Важное...

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The Man from Archangel and Other Stories. Человек из Архангельска и другие рассказы


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The Man from Archangel...

A. Conan Doyle

Английский писатель Артур Конан Дойль известен как создатель Шерлока Холмса и один из основателей...

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The Mill on the Floss


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The Mill on the Floss

Eliot G. Eliot

Ardent, impulsive, thirsty for knowledge, Maggie Tulliver is one of the great heroines of...

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The Magician


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The Magician

W.Somerset Maugham

Издательство продолжает знакомить читателей с творчеством выдающегося английского прозаика У.С....

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The Mystery of Marie Roget


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The Mystery of Marie...

E. Poe

В данный сборник произведений великого американского поэта и прозаика Эдгара По (1809-1849) -...

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The Man in the Iron Mask


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The Man in the Iron Mask

A. Dumas

The third adventure of Dumas`s infamous musketeers, which tells of how Athos, Porthos, Aramis and...

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The Odyssey of Captain Blood


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The Odyssey of Captain...

R. Sabatini

В настоящий том включен первый роман трилогии `Приключения капитана Блада`, написанной английским...

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The Prisoner of Zenda


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The Prisoner of Zenda

A. Hope

There he is thrown into a series of adventures beyond his wildest dreams. For the King is...

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The Picture of Dorian Gray


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The Picture of Dorian...

O. Wilde

When the exquisitely handsome Dorian Gray sees his portrait he dreams of remaining young forever...

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The Professor


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The Professor

C. Bronte

Charlotte Bronte`s first novel, The Professor, is narrated from the viewpoint of an ambitious and...

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The Rainbow


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The Rainbow

D.H. Lawrence

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The Razor`s Edge


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The Razor`s Edge

W.S. Maugham

Роман У.С.Моэма `Острие бритвы` продолжает знакомить читателя с творчеством одного из лучших...

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The Trumpet-Major


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The Trumpet-Major

Т. Hardy

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The Tenant of Wildfell Hall


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The Tenant of Wildfell...

A. Bronte

When Helen Huntingdon decides to leave her brutish, drunkard husband, she is not only flouting...

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The Tempest. Буря


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The Woodlanders


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The Woodlanders

Т. Hardy

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The Woman in White


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The Woman in White

W. Collins

"There, as if it had that moment sprung out of the earth or dropped form the heaven - stood the...

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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz


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The Wonderful Wizard...

L.Frank Baum

This bewitching tale of Dorothy`s adventures in the magical Land of Oz is one of the best loved...

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The Wind in the Willows


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Thirty-Nine Steps


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Thirty-Nine Steps


"My guest was lying sprawled on his back. There was a knife through his heart which skewered him...

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This Side of Paradise


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This Side of Paradise

F. Fitzgerald

Издательство продолжает знакомить читателя с творчеством известного американского прозаика XX...

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Three Men in a Boat


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Three Men in a Boat

J.K. Jerome

Some time after their eventful trip on the river, chronicled in Three Men in a Boat, the same...

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Three Men in a Boat


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Three Men in a Boat

J.K. Jerome

"Change of scene, and absence of the necessity for thought, will restore the mental equilibrium"...

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Through the Looking Glass


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Through the Looking Glass

L. Carroll

The magical sequel to Alice`s Adventures in Wonderland continues Alice`s escapades as she enters...

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Time and the Conways. Время и семья Конвей


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Time and the Conways....

John Boynton Priestley

Пьеса известного английского драматурга Джона Бойнтона Пристли `Time and the Conways` (`Время и...

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